This week the rest of the UK will be frantically typing out pages on the budget but I will not. It was for me just what I expected and so I find myself lacking any enthusiasm for micro-analysing the usual farce. Instead I am going to focus on what I think really matters and that is the change in numbers of people who attended the Unite the Kingdom demonstration last Saturday. I am sure that I am not alone in largely ignoring what was a relatively fringe group and so it was quite a shock to see the sudden growth in numbers from the last demonstration a few months back to this time. In my unprofessional opinion there was probably a x10 increase in attendees in that period.
Let me be clear these are still small demonstrations but it is the speed of change that really matters and also who is being attracted to them. The videos and pictures clearly show a mixture of people from across age groups, many with families and yes even ethnic minorities in attendance. It is clearly not just a group of right wing skinhead racists which is what much of the press and authorities want us all to believe. Yes I am sure there are some there but the vast majority appear to be normal folk who have had enough. I believe it is a visible sign of something that is now ongoing within society - that is the rediscovery and re-founding of a British political and civic identity.
If I am right (it happens occasionally) then it is the most important, inspiring and perhaps dangerous moment in British history since Blair took power. For it marks the end of the liberal cultural experiment which has for 30 years tried to replace the settled socio-cultural settlement with one based on diversity, mass migration and multiculturalism. You are now seeing a wholesale rejection of these tenets by a growing and I would argue emergent majority of the public who never asked for it, don’t like it and are now willing to fight on every level to stop it and to return the country towards something similar to what we had before.
This should not come as a shock to anyone who observes British politics because this majority has had abuse, unpleasantness and out and out scorn heaped upon them for decades. This process which started out under the auspices of “political correctness” and called for people to be more understanding of every minority but never the majority. The settled population was expected to suck it up and be tolerant as their culture and history was slowly rolled back and others planted in the country alongside but never part of the historical one. Any question or query about this process was attacked as racist or xenophobic by a liberal elite which would brook no opposition to their worldview. Look at the shameful response to Gillian Duffy who had the audacity to complain about migration in 2010. Brown spoke for the elite when he called her “a bigoted woman” even though all she did was complain about changes being imposed on her by a political class which didn’t want to listen.
This took place against the backdrop of the Grooming gangs horror where tens if not hundreds of thousands of young working class girls were sexually groomed by majority British Pakistani gangs across the UK. The country has been plagued by horrific Islamic attacks from the beheading of Lee Rigby in south London to the murder of a sitting MP in broad daylight. All whilst the settled population but especially the white working class one slipped down the socio-economic rankings with plunging school performance and economic well-being. The response from the political class has been to deny, ignore and pretend that these issues were not happening because it might raise awkward questions about their crappy worldview and its outcomes for the general public. I mean what is a load of rapes and murders between friends when you can have a diverse and multicultural society.
This process has accelerated since Brexit with white people being called gammons (Angry and red), the out and out Maoist attacks on our culture and history both physical such as the toppling of the Edward Colston statue in Bristol and now Sadiq Khan’s statue removal drive in London but also academic with British history being rewritten to ensure that we feel the relevant amount of guilt for everything from empire to slavery to even World War 2 for even Winston Churchill is now a target for denunciation. There is in short nothing that the liberal left-wing blob will not attack under their scorched earth policy on Britishness. Every culture is accepted now in modern day Britain except the settled one which is attacked, harangued and denounced near daily. A perfect microcosm of this being the shouts of excitement when we had Sunak, Gething and Yousaf in charge across the UK. We all had to celebrate the wonderful “diversity” of it even if you thought they were all useless - any push back was immediately labelled racist.
Unfortunately for the establishment that moment came and went and now there is a counter-revolution growing across the country. More and more people can see where the liberal agenda has brought us and are rejecting it. For trust is gone - I mean completely evaporated. Gone is the belief the politicians know what they are doing, gone is any faith that our institutions really do function without fear or favour as people can see that they don’t. The majority is policed and any infringement brutally slapped down hard whereas certain minorities are coddled and their errors tolerated because apparently they just don’t know any better.
The events before and after the riots in July this year underline this fact. Attack armed police at Manchester airport and the CPS (Crown Prosecution Service) will slow-walk your case because apparently even with video evidence it is all too hard. But tweeting some vile threats and they can get you in the nick within days. Riot in a white majority area and the police will come down on you like a ton of bricks but do the same in a favoured minority one and well then community elders are called to ask you nicely to go home whilst leaving your knives at the Mosque. Just look at the reaction of our beloved Prime Minister who made it clear that anyone protesting about anything in July was far right but during the BLM protests well that was because they had understandable grievances - the sheer hypocrisy and out and out bias is now on full display. The idea that we live in a two tier country where the settled culture and population are penalised is now hard to hide though the establishment keeps on pretending as social cohesion keeps on fraying.
Look no further than at the latest wheeze over the Southport massacre which triggered the rioting as people thought it was another Islamic attack after decades of them. We were assured by the authorities that there was no link because he was a good Welsh born lad who just happened to decide to knife a load of young innocent girls to death. Starmer and co castigated us for even thinking such a thing. Then of course it came out that he might have been born in Wales but his family were first generation immigrants. Then on Tuesday this week the CPS and co slipped out that actually the police had found Al Qaeda manuals and more at his home and he had also made Ricin - so apparently there was a link.
This was of course timed to come out to be buried by the budget. Various sources have claimed that the Prime Minister and Home Secretary didn’t know anything about this though this is nonsense. The police would have searched the attackers home within hours of the event and Downing street would have been notified within minutes. No they lied and that is why there has been no official denial of it because they might be caught out and held to account. Instead the concerns of the majority were ignored, they were attacked as beyond the pale and yes many people were jailed for being angry and doing silly things. I have no truck for rioters except when there are legitimate concerns that authorities are not listening to - kind of like now then. Especially true when even the Speaker of the Commons is doing his best to bury things by denying MP’s right to ask the PM and co when they knew what.
The former chief of staff to Boris Johnson nailed it on Twitter.
So continues the establishment's efforts to hide the outcomes of their god awful worldview from the British public. Their first reaction is always to lie, suppress and hope that the problem will go away but it really won’t. The reaction to Tommy Robinson’s contempt of court is very telling. I am told the Solicitor General pushed for his imprisonment in a rare intervention. Rather than engage with people's concerns they are instead trying to shoot the very imperfect messenger. I mean it takes some special skills to turn Mr Robinson (real name Stephen Christopher Yaxley-Lennon) into a martyr but that is what they are doing. This is why numbers are climbing at those protests, why people are moving to Reform politically and why much of the media is more and more talking to itself such is the collapse in their audience numbers. The public has had enough and are turning off, they see through the lies and have grown tired of being moralised at by an elite who don’t like them or their culture.
Our elites mutant form of self hating liberalism is visibly failing politically and is falling to pieces socially. The country simply can’t go like this - the public won’t have it. Our governing structures are starting to sway such is the strength of the socio-political earthquake which is starting to reverb through the system. Much as I despise Starmer he is not to blame - he is simply a product of a clapped out worldview and ideology and doesn’t know what else to do. Like in a cartoon in which there is an emergency - he broke the glass and reached for the standard response but in doing so he has in my opinion accelerated the systemic demise which he was already going to oversee. For responding to the riots in this way he has trashed what little moral authority he and the system had left. It is gone, much of the public has turned off and realised there is no hope there - all it offers is more lies and more of the same. He just threw oil on the fire public disquiet and rage so stand back as this could get very tasty.
For politicians and the broader establishment are now very much passengers in a system which is starting to accelerate away from them. Efforts to herd the public back towards their chosen liberal narrative are failing and if anything driving even more people away. They are not stupid whatever elites think and they will not be bought off anymore such is their quiet rage and nor will they be threatened by the use of labels like racist or xenophobe. The meanings of these words have been trashed over the years after being applied to everyone and anyone who even raised gentle criticism of the status quo. It is good they have lost their power as it means people are no longer afraid of the social stigma when they are hurled at them. Sadly it also means that we no longer have the words to describe the actual fascists and racists in our midst - this is very dangerous.
We are seeing the same response across the West as people rise up and say loudly that enough is enough. This is taking place in different ways but the outlying demand is the same. That the settled populations' culture and ways should be respected, that they should come first and that any migrants should respect both if they want to stay. Politicians and systems which refuse to bend to this demand are going to be blown away by the popular hurricane which is brewing now. It is a once in a several generations affair and something that the liberal classes that rule the West are uniquely unprepared for after spending 30 years getting their way and assuming that history truly had ended. Well guess what guys, it hasn't and it is coming for you next. Personally I can’t wait to see their faces when it eviscerates their best laid plans.
I am not going to lie to you - this will be a bumpy period. Pent up tensions and pressures built up over decades are coming to the fore. The idea that people won’t get hurt along the way is sadly for the birds. Revolutions are rarely pleasant because they are eruptions of popular discontent and we have a truckload of that now. This is especially true as the economic system is failing at the same which means we have a double whammy to contend with. However it must happen as the majority will be heard if democracy is to mean anything. Elites will be brought to heel via the political system or it will be the French response next.
Fortunately I don’t expect that in the UK at least. We already have new parties which are forcing the political class to change direction if only slowly and imperfectly. The Tories can no longer hide in the elite consensus because people have alternatives. This reality is coming for Labour next after the locals and Welsh assembly elections where I expect them to get beaten badly. The truth is no party will be able to win a popular mandate and soon enough an election without this emergent majority and this is going to drive big changes in policy. Liberal democracy is going to become more illiberal as politicians are forced to respond to the popular demands of the settled population. That means in due course much lower migration, mass deportation of illegals and the forced integration of minority cultures - those who refuse to do this will leave. This is not about attacking others but the majority demanding equal rights and an acceptance that theirs is the majority and historical culture which they want preserved.
I want to believe that what you say is true, but I worry that the brainwashing of the people by the uniparty over the last 30 years has convinced many that despite the evidence in front of them, diversity is indeed our strength and that normal views are far right.
Even in the Soviet bloc in 1989 there were plenty of people who still believed the myth - and they weren't even importing more people every week who it suited to propagate the myth.
Just wanted to let you know that I really enjoy your Substacks. I've learned a lot from them, and you articulate my feelings far better than me.
Much appreciated.