There is a political whirlwind coming like you have never seen. It is visible across the West and it is just gathering force now. This will be a once a lifetime event and it will see the end of entire political systems and put to the proverbial sword their establishments. I personally can’t wait - I seethe with rage with what has been done to this country and its people over the last 30 years. It is an anger that is only kept in check by the fact that I have the political wind at my back as my side, my worldview is beginning to dominate. We will win but not before the idiots in charge have done more damage.
What disgusts and infuriates more than anything is the establishments sense of entitlement. Their absolute self belief in their right to rule after every fuck up they have generated or overseen over these long years. They sit there and think they have the moral right to tell us how to live our lives. They attempt to micromanage everything from what car we drive to what we say because they believe they know better that us when all evidence shows they couldn’t run a McDonalds.
“Why has trust in the media collapsed?”
“Why don’t people trust parliament?”
“Why don’t people like politicians anymore?”
These are actually really important questions because trust in common institutions is vital in a democracy. Yet few of the clever people seem to care enough to ask these questions let alone have the sense of self awareness to maybe look in the mirror and think “Oh maybe it is us not them”.
We don’t trust our institutions anymore because they have serially let us down over decades and worst than that each time the establishment has closed ranks and protected the people who did the damage. For decades we have watched the people who have inflicted hurt, suffering and economic misery on this country walk away scot-free and normally enriching themselves after fucking us into the ground.
Look at the Iraq war which killed anywhere up to a million people and later on helped to unleash ISIS across the Middle East. British soldiers died trying to destroy Saddam’s regime and then to enforce a badly thought through peace. The outcome multiple government reports which made sure no one was really at fault and Blair and co went off to enrich themselves leaving the grieving and wounded behind as conveniences for their new lives. Even that gobshite Campbell who helped Blair lie us into the war is now beloved by the liberal masses after deciding to reinvent himself as Mr Stop Brexit.
Look at the financial crisis which unended the global economy and has left the world in a pseudo depression for the last 15 years where banks and more were caught lying and defrauding customers. Did anyone go to jail - no, did anyone pay any compensation - no, did anyone even take a bonus cut - no. Money was stuffed into their willing gobs and the system just carried on as usual. Apparently capitalism means impoverishment for the masses but bailouts for the rich and incompetent.
Look at the misery and economic destruction that Osborne and co inflicted on the country. Pretty much every institution and public system is now a wreck. Most councils will go bankrupt in the next 5 years unless something changes due to the cuts to their budgets and being forced to take responsibility for Adult Social care and children with SEN. The economy was starved of real investment at exactly the time we could borrow for nothing. The result nothing - he, Cameron and Cleggy have all wandered off their sweaty little palms greased by as much money as they can get hold of - their careers enhanced but the country in ruins.
Look at the myriad of NHS scandals that we see year after year from tainted blood to appalling care. Each time we are told that lessons will be learnt and each time nothing happens. The system sails on pock marked but impregnable to real change. The people at the top who should be held accountable are shuffled around with no one held responsible. Another report is generated but nothing actually changes and the professional managerial classes breath a sigh of relief as everything carries on with their pensions and salaries being paid in full. I mean what is a few more lives ruined when set against that.
The Post Office that cuddly old brand that was once so beloved by the public which for years inflicted unbelievable misery on post masters around this country because of their broken computer system. Consecutive politicians could and should have done something - they did nothing. It wasn’t their problem - it wasn’t their responsibility. In reality no one wanted to lift the lid to look in case they found some proverbial dead bodies which might impact them. Instead it was the common man and woman who was made to suffer - the little people who were just trying to get on with their lives.
COVID is going the same way now. The review has long since descended into a farce which is its primary objective. To bore the public into submission and simply avoid the hard questions like should we have locked down due to the all the consequences for the public. Oh they won’t ask that because too many of the people in charge might actually be held accountable for failing to actually think through the outcomes. Instead the review will produce a fat report which is so big no one will read it - no lessons will be learnt which is what the establishment wants and the fat, greasy and shameless legal classes will get rich from the publics money.
Net zero is simply impossible based on current tech and the clever people know it. The race towards it is simply immiserating the country and driving deindustrialisation. Port Talbot, Grangemouth and Luton are just some of the publicised losses to this mental scheme. The media reporting through gritted teeth the suffering of the working classes. What they don’t report on is all the other factories which have already moved or ones that simply didn’t open because of our net zero driven energy costs. But the clever people don’t care as they have some virtue to signal whilst making sure that they get that fat pay cheque from an NGO post their political career like Stark. No it will be you and I who suffer the most from rocketing energy bills and failing industry.
And of course migration which has been pushed again and again by the clever people for over 30 years as the solution to all our ills. Just ram them in like sardines - the British public will learn to love it. Any question or query about it being met with either screams of “racist” or “xenophobe” or patronising people by telling them that they don’t understand how enriching it is culturally and economically. Well yes we do know exactly how enriching it is with terrorist attacks, rapes, robberies and human defecation in public now part of every day life - all things our parents didn’t have to deal with when they our age. Even the economic argument has collapsed after Sunak and co let the cat out of the bag by saying we needed high levels of migration during the inflation spike to cap wages - so they have know throughout that mass migration suppresses wages. Yes they have been actively impoverishing the public for decades.
This is just a small selection of the real bangers that the clever people, the professional managerial classes the liberal classes - whatever you want to call them but they are the British establishment has inflicted on this country over the last 30 years or more and what links them all is the complete lack of consequences for everyone involved. No in each case the people in charge have walked off into the sunset usually richer and happier than before leaving us the British public with the bill - one that normally runs for generations.
It is us the public which are left dealing with the misery from their shitty mistakes as most of them earn enough and are safely cocooned from the outcomes. They will just use private health, their kids won’t join the military, they can move abroad, they live in low crime areas etc. Yet they still think they have a right to rule, that they know best that in some way they are better at it than anyone else. Look at the world they have birthed, look at what they have done to our country and yet they still believe that. Trust has collapsed in our institutions because the public day in day out have to deal personally and socially with awful outcomes that they impose on us. More than that they can see that the British establishment clearly hates the British public and you know what that feeling is being returned on steroids now.
I want consequences and I want them now. I want the people in charge in court, tarred and feathered in front of the public or hung from the proverbial lamppost. It is time for people to be held accountable again for the decisions they make and the misery they impose. I am sick them closing ranks to protect each other and their cozy little club and worldview. The aristocracy was the British establishment for most of our history and you know what at least they had a sense of shame, of honour and of obligation to the public via noblesse oblige. The current crop have none of them, they are without honour and without shame and it shows more and more each day.
I can’t wait for this storm to hit and I don’t care how much damage it does anymore. We need a revolution in this country which rips out our morally decaying and incompetent elite. If that means dynamiting our institutions to the ground then I am good with that as long as the fuckers are in the buildings at the time. Demolish, bankrupt, close and repeal - I literally don’t care anymore. I want these people gone with hopefully a lot of misery inflicted on them at the same time. Time for them to feel what it is like to have things inflicted on them against their will. I am angry, I am over it all and I am not alone and you know this will happen. So stand back as this is going to get very nasty.
Oh wow - what writing. A great account of the scandals we've faced, the damage that continues and all the while 'those in charge', those responsible seem to benefit from the chaos and carnage they create. Thank you for putting into words how so many of us feel.
Great piece, Dan